السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
We are happy to launch Volume 9 of CIFIA Global Journal. CIFIA Global Journal is published annually on 10th January. Volume 9 consists of research articles on the following topics.
1. Is Islamic Ethos Based on Religious Mythos?
2. Is Islam Based on Mythology and Folklore?
3. Can Islamic Eschatology Be Compared with Mythology...
Our research is very popular among people as these have been several thousand downloads, and forwards, of our research papers all over the world. Indeed, it is a rewarding journey for all of us at CGJ Journal. This Journey would not have been possible without the help of everyone associated with our research center, particularly our CGJ review team who work tirelessly all year long.
Anyone in the world who is interested or is involved in related research can send their research paper and we will be happy to include them into our Journal after review, to make sure that the research meets the standard of our Journal.
CIF Foundation is truly a Universe of Islam as we have launched many initiatives like, (i) English Tafseer al-Quran, titled ‘Tafseer Al-Asedi, (ii) English translations and explanations of 6 major books of Ahadith under Irshad Al-Asedi, (iii) Islamic Fiqh under ‘Tashreeh Al-Asedi, (iv) Islamic Tawhid under Tawdeeh Al-Asedi, (v) Fusus Al-Iman from Quran and Ahadith, (vi) Tasawwuf under Tarajim Al-Asedi, (vii) End time information under Idha’aat al-Asedi, (viii) over 2000 books, hundreds of audios and videos, (ix) Research papers on topics of Islamic interest, (x) Online Courses on Islamic subjects, and much more. Many new initiatives are in the pipeline for the following months. Keep visiting our network websites for details.
(i) Sahih Iman
(ii) Correct Islamic Faith
(iii) Correct Islamic Faith International Academy
(iv) CIF Foundation
To watch videos, visit our YouTube channel.
To listen to our audio books, visit soundcloud.
We wish you great learning, success in this world and salvation in Hereafter.
Ash-Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri