Publish your article on CGJ

Call for papers for Vol - 10 (January - 2026)

You can submit your papers for CGJ Vol - 10 at

Before sending the article for review, make sure you read the guidelines for new writers and the CGJ code of ethics. Articles that don't meet the standards defined will be rejected by the review committee.

If you want to join CGJ as a reviewer, then send us an email at attaching a brief biography of yours and a curriculam vitae detailing past experience (if any) or related work.

Important dates for CGJ Vol - 10:

10/01/2025 : Submissions for CGJ Vol - 10 open.

10/12/2026 : Submissions for CGJ Vol - 10 close.

* All dates are in mm-dd-yyyy format.

Article template requirements

Element Font Size Color
Article Title Arial 18px Dark Blue
Author Name Arial 12px Dark Blue
Topic titles Arial 12px Dark Red
Subtopic titles Arial 11px Blue
Abstract Content and Keywords Arial 8px Black
Article Body Arial 11px Black
Bibliography Arial 8px Black

Download the Sample Article


Download the sample article to get a better understanding of the formatting standards of the journal.

*Note: Submitted articles can take anywhere from 1 - 4 weeks for the review committee to review and respond. If the article does not meet the afformentioned guidelines / ethics, then it will be rejected. The reviewers may ask for edits in the article. In such a scenario, a deadline for the resubmission of your article will be provided to you in the email.

Note: If your article is accepted by the journal, then you will be required to sign and send the copyright transfer agreement, which shall be sent to you in the email.