CGJ > Volume 3 > Article 4

Is there a conflict between Religion and Science?

Religion has two essential elements, believe in a Creator God, and believe in the creation of this cosmos which includes its inhabitant creatures. It is believed that the first generation of human beings who inhabited Planet Earth believed in the creator God. Later, many religions came into being who deviated from this belief. Currently, it is estimated that there are over 10,000 religions in the world whose beliefs are varied from each other. Science is an intellectual research and practice of observing and studying the physical world to find facts and use them for the benefit of mankind. On the face of it, both religion and science look totally disconnected from each other. However, as the scientific discoveries progressed and facts of the physical world were unfolded, these seemed in contradiction with certain beliefs of the people following different religions. Particularly, the theory of evolution, which was meant to benefit mankind, proved to be a cursor for some people to solidify their belief in non-existence of a Creator God of this Cosmos. We have discussed all aspects related with this issue and have tried to find facts in this context.

Author(s): Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri

Published: 2021-06-10

Keywords: Science, religion, creation, evolution, Atheism, Agnosticism

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