CGJ > Volume 3 > Article 6

The comprehensiveness of Spiritual Intelligence

Intelligence can be described as the ability of a person to analyze information, and based on that analysis, act in an optimal way. A lot of research has been undertaken by psychologists, scholars, educators, etc., in this context and they have identified various types of intelligences inherent in human beings. But their focus has been on corporate business and certain worldly pursuits. This research paper provides in depth study of spiritual intelligence and its various branches covering vast fields of knowledge. We have divided Spiritual Intelligence into three broad categories, viz., Ethical Intelligence, Spirits intelligence, and Mystical intelligence. A detailed study of all these categories is provided in this paper. This research paper requires focused reading as it deals with the areas rarely attempted by anyone so far.

Author(s): Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri

Published: 2021-06-10

Keywords: General intelligence, emotional intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Purpose of Life, Religion

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